Sunday, April 29, 2012

Puppy Explosion

I walk in my house only to find Styrofoam everywhere, shredded paper all over, shoes thrown about, and my bill folder (with all the bills) soiled.  Not to mention pee and poop everywhere. This is what my four year refers to as a “puppy explosion”. They have wiggled their way out of the gate which contained them safely in the kitchen and are now running amuck in my house.  In this moment I am reminded why I advocate crate training. I am also reminded of what a huge undertaking these guys and their mother are.  Then I ask myself the question “What was I thinking”?
There is not a person I spoke with who said “Rachel this is a great idea!”  There is not anyone who said, this will be so much fun or you will love every second of it.  Even the president of the rescue who I foster for said he called every day hoping that someone else had pulled them and no one did.  So here I am with 4 of the 9 puppies still with me, a mother dog who has some interesting quirks of her own, another foster going through heart worm treatment, two forever dogs, three children and husband who travels.
I sit here looking at this mess, wondering where to start and saying to myself “What on Earth was I thinking.”     As I scan the mess and ponder my own stupidity I find my Bible lying on the floor with torn pages and tooth marks.  I had left it in on the foot of my chase lounge because I had been reading it that morning. They had pulled it off the chair and tested their new teeth with it.  I was angry. How could I be so stupid!  Now my favorite Bible is damaged.  As I run my fingers over the tooth marks in the cover tears fill my eyes.  As I touch these marks I realize this is not damage, these marks are evidence that I answered His call.  This is a small reminder of my obedience. These marks are carved into the item I will never part with and could never be replaced.    
I was called to take these puppies into my home. Despite the mess and the work, regardless of the frustration and the naysayers it never occurred to me to say no.  Through these puppies, I have met some wonderful people.  I have been able to reach out to other people and I have learned so much about who I am, and how wonderful my family is.  Yes, I look at the mess and I am frustrated. Yes, I miss working out, and I am tired of climbing over gates to enter my kitchen.  But there is not a doubt in my mind that God chose me to take these puppies and I answered HIS call.
There is something very powerful about answering the call of God. Rest assured I am not saying this is my sole purpose in life. I am simply saying this is part of the journey.  This overwhelming undertaking is just one stone in the path he has paved for me.  We all want to know what God has planned for us.  We all want to know our sole purpose in life. However, God has called us to many roles and has planned many tasks for each of us. If we are only search for one purpose and role and only one reason he has put us on this earth we are minimizing our experience.  These little tasks, these smaller callings challenge us and prepare us for the larger purpose God will put before us.  We learn and grow from each of these challenges.
These puppies have taught me to stop looking for definitive answers.  I no longer ask “why did You put these puppies, here”.  I ask, “Lord, what do you want me to learn from this.”   I am often saying “Lord what are you showing me here” and ask “How do I work through this to share your light with the world”.  
These puppies through all the mess and frustration have taught me to look up and say “Here I am, Lord! I want to serve you, please show me how.”
What has God called you to do right now?  What is he trying to teach you through these challenges?  Are you able to say “Here I am, Lord” or are you saying “Why me, Lord?” Are you saying “What do you want me to learn, Lord?” or are saying “Not again Lord”.  We cannot answer his calling for our life if we are unwilling to embrace the smaller challenges he places before us.
God Bless.

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