Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Moving forward

When I started this blog my intention was to share my experiences with the dogs and relate them to our human world. Commentary on what we can learn from a simpler creature that lives so closely with us.  I never meant to process my grief over Dutch through this blog but there are some powerful life lessons coming from losing him.
  I love working dogs.  It is one of the things I have been truly passionate about for as long as I can remember. Dutch over the years had become an extension of me when I walked. There was no tension on the leash…there was no tripping, no jumping, no confusion.  We were a team, with our own rhythm. We knew each other well.
                When he first got sick, a year ago, we adopted our boxer, Sunny. We realized early on she would always need another dog around so we adopted a puppy from a litter we fostered.  I wanted my current pack in place before I lost Dutch. Partly because I wanted dogs that would carry on his legacy, but also because I knew my grief would be intense and I could not stand the thought of “replacing” him.   He got very sick about two weeks before I had him put to sleep and I stopped walking him then.  I could not bear the thought of walking the others and not him so I became a very lazy dog owner.  After he died, I could barely look at the leashes, and the thought of walking either of them on my left side where Dutch has spent the last eleven years hurt. Yes, I am admitting that I have not walked my dogs in two months.  There were days when I could not stand the thought of ever working a dog again.  I know it sounds silly and dramatic…but that dog had my heart.
                I cannot tell you what was different about Today but today I leashed the dogs and we walked.  We had a nice quick pace. They were happy and I absorbed every ounce of their vibrant curious energy. We traveled a mile or two and we were all very content and relaxed when we got home. Walking to bully breeds is completely different than walking a lab, and that is clear. They pull and use their weight to get their way.  It does not seem quite as natural for them to travel but that could be because we are out of practice too. But we walked together, we worked at it and we are a little happier because of it.  
Maybe over time they too will become an extension of my arm, but for now I feel for the cues on the leash and I correct. We work together, and learn as team.  I have to learn a whole new way of walking my pack. I always had Dutch’s cues and corrections to help me with the others. Now I have to rely on what he taught me about their body language and how to use my body to correct them.  He was my guide into their world. He knew when to lean against them and nudge them with his head.  He knew when Sunny got anxious and how to stop her from lunging.  He did it all so well and now I have to hope I am able to mimic it.
  It is a new and different challenge and thanks to Dutch I am ready to grow and bond with my new pack. I am ready to teach these guys and learn from them.  Rather than living in the past of the companion I once had I am ready to embrace my new companions.  All the while I am grateful for what he taught me. I know if not for him, I would not be equipped to handle Sunny’s insecurity or understand how to deal with Wilson’s stubbornness.  I also know that it takes time and work to develop the relationship he and I had, so by not working these guys I am not honoring Dutch or giving these guys the chance to be everything they could be.
I love him and I miss him…but I am ready to take what he taught me and move forward with it.